
Terms and Condition

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the BestShirtBundle.com website. These terms and conditions govern your use of the website and the services provided by BestShirtBundle.com. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.

  1. Full use

By using BestShirtBundle.com, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions, as well as any additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein or made available through hyperlinks.
If you are accessing and using the website on behalf of a company or organization, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such entity to these terms and conditions.

  1. Obligations

We do not assume any responsibility. We are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of items purchased through this website or administrative management or the inaccessibility of this website, whether it is around the island, extraordinary, accidental, or major damage (including but not limited to damage due to business loss, profit loss, interference or similar behavior).

  1. Transportation of goods and services

After purchase, the product will be downloaded in computer form via email. If you still do not receive our email within 10 minutes after purchasing, please check your spam envelope first, and then contact Gmail we will try to reply to you as needed. Similarly, you can access the background based on your past purchase records in your customer area, and allow re-hash downloads where appropriate.

  1. External connections and products

The site can be merged into the external site and the project or managed connection of the external site. We do not assume any responsibility for the management or projects provided by external personnel. We do not guarantee the contributions of outsiders, nor do we want the risk of being on par with the offer or fieldwork.

  1. Unconditional commitment

Unless otherwise stated, we provide a 100% unconditional and unconditional guarantee for all items and unredeemed coupons from the date of purchase. If you have any questions about the purchased goods or management or are not completely satisfied, please contact support@bestshirtbundle.com 

  1. Reimbursement

Therefore, you repay us and promise us to repay any misfortunes, injuries, expenses, liabilities, and expenses (with no obstacles included in legal expenses and any payments we paid to our lawyers when resolving cases or problems) caused by us or Legitimate consultants who endure, stand out from any arrangements you make about these terms of use

  1. Violation of these terms of use

Without prejudice to our different rights under these terms of use, if you are likely to violate these terms of use with any ability, we may take measures that we think are suitable for managing penetration, including suspending access to the site and prohibiting you from accessing the site. Sites, prevent PCs using your IP address from entering the site, contact your network access provider, ask them to prevent you from entering the site, and file a lawsuit against you.

  1. Mission

We may move, subcontract or manage our privileges or potential promises under these terms of use in any case without telling you or getting your consent. Under these terms of use, you may not move, sub-contract or manage your privileges or potential promises under any circumstances.

  1. Severability

If the arrangement of these terms of use is controlled by any court or other skilled power as illegal and unenforceable chance, basically a different arrangement will be made. If any illegal and unenforceable arrangement is deleted, part of the legal or enforceable activity will be deemed legal or enforceable, then that part will be deemed deleted, and the remaining arrangements will basically continue.

  1. Deny the right of outsiders

These terms of use are for you and us and are not intended to benefit any outsider or be enforced by any outsider. Our and your privileged activities corresponding to these terms of use do not depend on the consent of any outsider.

  1. Overall layout

These terms of use and our security policy constitute the overall arrangement between you and us corresponding to your use of our website and replace all previous arrangements for your use of our website. At BesTshirtBundle.com, we value your protection and are committed to protecting your information. There is no compelling reason to record the purchase or download of free gifts on murchbundle.com! Just put your name and email address on the checkout page (these are all the data we need to send you an email with a download interface after purchase), and all other data about your purchase will be in be protected on the PayPal website!